Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”: Death as an Escape

Death is the inevitable. People like me afraid of being dead actually, but when we face it we just welcome them. I had a traffic accident three years ago, and all my thoughts were about “finally I'm out of this life” while the car is sliding to another one. All people would grow weary with the life, all of us wants a salvation, whether it is a solution of all our matters, or it is death.

However choosing death willingly is a crime against humanity. Everybody hurts sometimes and everybody may want to take their own lives to escape. But this is a matter of this earth. What place you can live when you leave this world? If you are a religious person, you would probably endure eternal agony, if you are not, well, congratulations, you just missed the rest of your life!

When we read the poem though, we can get another idea of escape. Just by taking it literally, we can leave our all belongings and beloved and go away. This will delete all our worries and weariness, but bring new ones.

The gods placed this pile of soil inside a sphere of problems, every time it turns, you just face a new problem. You can choose to die of course, but only ship you will take is going to be black one, and that one goes nowhere.

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