Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


"The Man He Killed": War

Wars are the past, future and contemporary reality of the world history. Every country today, every society’s ancestors were in war to gain some rights, land, or just glory. The warriors and soldiers are praised in all cultures throughout the world. That’s why the wars seem as a rightful cause to all. It is a heroic deed, it is manly and justified.

Nevertheless everybody misses one point in wars. People die in the battlefield. People suffer and somebody loses a husband, father, son. The other side of the war has also rightful causes to fight, and they just clash in the flames of battle, they hate each other beforehand. Maybe they do not know anything about each other, but the “others” becomes the “enemy”.

Countries make wars and regular people die, nameless martyrs created, legends created and with every death, the hatred between two sides grows. The density of this hatred is determined by the blood they shed. What I wonder is, if there would be somebody who come and tell that they are both rightful and they should make an agreement and not fight, would they believe?

No. Whether it is for resources, or for land, or glory, or freedom, all these benefits and sublime things will be built on the corpses of “the unlucky”. And luck is the only force to save “the lucky”, but only for a while.

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