Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


“Next, Please”: Dreams and Hopes

We always want our dreams to come true. The poem is criticizing this expectancy as showing it as useless. Well, I do not think it is useless. How can a man survive without dreaming? Dreams are the base of our life, we built our life upon our dreams, they lead us through dark ways. And say; who can punish someone for dreaming?

For me, if a man is aware of his thoughts are dreams only there is no problem. But hopes on the other hand, is another issue. If we keep on hoping the same thing for years, that is where the problem begins. Long term hopes should be replaced by dreams, not obsession. Thus only a person would get on with his life.

Yes, life is rational, there probably is not an armada coming towards us, but if you dream that they will come, there is no harm, your disappointment is not that big that you “live with the fact” that they will come someday. Our dreams are fragile too, they can be broken and left nothing but an empty shell of daily matters, no joy or expectancy, just living the day is not the intended life for human in my opinion.

We have to make an agreement with our minds. Our hopes should be short termed, bu they can stay as dreams forever! If they do not, I pity that humanbeing, waiting for night to come to sleep and morning to wake. A man with dreams can sleep at midday and wake whenever he wants.

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