Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


“Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds”: True Love

What human changes into when he falls in love? What is the boundary that is holding his soul and body to the end of time? What is “the love” anyway?

Shakespeare was an utopian in my opinion, or just not rational. Who can deny the love is the change itself! How can one say the true love does not change! Love alters us into somebody, the one we are not familiar with, without a signal, without a word. All of our beloved's expressions, the things that she has lived through, the things we endure together is another, another and another altering itself. Love changes with time, love starts as a passionate tango, and than caring steps of valse, only than a slow and commited hug with slow swings.

Love is not a regular thing. Maybe the action of “falling in love” is the same towards different beings. However, I think falling in love means nothing to a person, as long as it is supported with the true love itself. The passion may change, lives may change but true love holds them together with changing itself to compensate the flaws. Love is something to rely on, something to trust, but not a concrete thing to build castles on.

Although it is a pessimistic thought, love will alter to emptiness with time. People who are not growing together will consume each others soul, as they own it. They do not know that the soul of a lover, just have been given them to keep for some time.

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