Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


“The Soul Selecets Her Own Society”: Walls

People built walls without knowing what are left behind. Sticking with only one life perspective is the reason to all these. You can select whoever you want to be with you, that is true but that surely means that you left somebody you would want in your life, outside.

Though, the walls are useful to protecting yourself. You would nor worry about getting harmed or disturbed. With your best friends and beloved ones near you. You would only listen to them as they are “your society”. You will take their advices, their beliefs are yours now also. But, what if you made a wrong choice to take them inside your walls? How would you cast them out now from these gateless ramparts?

Thus, I think walls should be built only for protecting self, not keeping all people outside or inside. Make a door to welcome some people in, if they are needed, and just get out of the door sometimes and look at your wall, at you from a distance.

Put some windows to your wall and see the sparkle of the differences of the world. That's how a home is built, that's how a castle is risen, that's how an empire expands.

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