Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


“Because I Could Not Stop for Death”: Boundaries of Life

People are so busy with living. We do not see the grave situation, that we are going to die within a very short time to earth’s perspective. We cannot live our life to the end also, because we are taking our life as granted. We do not enjoy its possibilities. That is the main problem in a human’s life in my opinion. Also we are living it blindfolded to our environment. There are billions of people in the world and all lives are connected with each other. We do not have the priviledge to ignore these tight connections.

For example a child is grown in an intense environment, he is affected by many things, his friends, teachers, the fights between his parents. When he finally grew up to be a grown man, he would do the same things as he saw in his childhood. That is prototyping human society in a sense. We eventually do not care what will happen in the future, because we are living it according to scheme, unchangable but seems to be changing, monotonous but seems as thrilling.

Fooling ourselves with words is easy. But is that the living really? Death will come eventually and take us as in the poem, and we will just realize what we missed throughout our empty lifes. We should do whatever we want, as Montaigne says, “Do things because you wish for, not because you need to”.

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