Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”: Despisal

Walter Mitty escapes from his tedious life by entering a world where he is almighty enough to do anything. His wife, a policeman, parking lot attendant and a woman on street treated him badly in a really short day. So what happens if despisal becomes the main element of someones life?

First, a person who is successful in anything at all, would not take depreciation easily. Only a man who has given up all hope from his future would tolerate such a thing. So we can say denial of despisal begins inside the individual's mind. Success is important for self confidence, but being loved is essential too. Also we can see from the story, Mitty have not got any decent loving relationship with anyone. Love of mother is not a thing that helps us to grow to a individual person. That love is protecting you form harm, does not trust you in tough decisions and also when the lover is not your mother, it is clearly despising.

Escaping from despisal is not easy. It is a thing that the people around you learn quickly and hardly forget. But it can be a process, and you can wait for it to happen. While doing this, I do not think it is a good thing to close yourself to reality and build a new one, but to put effort in every step to gain acceptance. Because human is not created to be isolated, it should live with others to fulfill its needs.

I would like to quote form Cervantes at this point; “One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world will be better for this.”

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