Immensely biased thoughts for shallow academia.


“Penelope”: Role of a Woman

Penelope waits in her cage, for her husband to come from his heroic journey. She rejects dozens of people who wanted to marry her. Every time she keeps her suitors at bay, she prays to Artemis to take her life. She is a symbol of fidelity, loyalty, and the woman that needs to be. Or is she?

According to all mythologies, woman are the life givers to the earth, they are the mother goddesses, symbols of fertility, household and family. These qualities may seem good now, but they are just degrading woman to something lays an egg, and watches after it.

All the religions however, has a masculine god, and they suggest the women as just “a companion to men”. Degrading women with religion is easy, just put them in a home where they are familiar already with the pagan beliefs. With religious books, they lost their holiness first, than the identity. Woman have no name no more.

It may change in time, but as long as one “holy book” says that a woman is made from a spine of the almighty man, another one shows virginity of the “mother” of god is a virtue to keep, another just destroyed the only anarchist woman, Lilith; nobody would give women the same rights with men in this “religious” world.

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